lo fi go!

by @fireball · @kdogg

lo fi go!
fireball +1

Liner Notes

i can't remember how this idea got started, or when it got tangled up with the "charlie tango teakettle barbecue" bit from the young ones, but then i wrote the words and had some vague ideas till today when i sat down and recorded something... which seemed kinda like what it was maybe supposed to sound like.

then i sent it to @kdogg with even less idea about what she should do... but quite confident that she would know what to do... and though her initial reaction was precious, i was right: she knew what to do.



we go lo fi
lo fi go
lo fi or no fi
yo ho ho

fee fi fo fi
we go lo fi
slow and lo fi
lo fi or go home

so lo fi go
go lo fi go
so lo fi go fi go mo fo fi
go go so lo mo fo lo fi go

we know yo fi
yo ho ho
u keep yo fi
we go lo

we go so lo
toe to toe
you take the hi fi
we take the lo

so lo fi go
go lo fi go
go lo fi mo fo go mo lo fi
go so lo mo fo go lo fi go


This was fun ! I love how loose feeling and carefree this is, great job!
This was fun Fireball! Thanks for trusting me. The Sea Shanty will be ready soon!
This is so absolutely adorable! I'm fried and I don't know what else to say but I love this. They don't all have to be Leonard Cohen! Sometimes you just have to have some fun and get silly with it, and you've both hit the mark here.