Let Me Introduce Myself...

by @sheilerk

Skirmish: an introduction... (@heywhatsuphello)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#lyricsonly #skirmish #cats #wolves #raccoons

Skirmish Prompt:
Write a song that introduces yourself, what you like to do, show off your personality and how you view and navigate this world.
It doesn't have to be like a dreadful work icebreaker, more like introducing a character in a book or writing a memoir.
Basically, show yourself off as the main character of your song.

This doesn't begin to tell my life story, but it was a glorious chapter, at least from my perspective! :)


Let me introduce myself,
Let me riff on my memoir,
I started out at a very young age,
My Daddy's little star.

I was pathologically shy back then,
But no one called it that,
And if you look at my pictures,
Every one holds a cat,

If a cat was like a metaphor
Then I was like a cat,
I liked things warm and snuggly,
Actually, nothing has changed that.

And I loved being with animals,
Nearly every shape and kind,
So, it was serendipitous
When life and love aligned.

A chance visit to a refuge
For wildlife big and small
Changed my life forever,
At least that's what I recall,

A lot of mucking and raking
And cleaning up critter poo,
And suddenly I found myself
The leader of the crew.

My two legged family loved it,
They never knew what they'd discover,
An otter swimming in the bathtub'
Or a wolf cub following their mother.

I've had lots of adventures,
For a shy little girl from Montana,
A fairytale life, as mother and wife,
Now happily called Nana.

But, in my mind are echoes,
Of my wolf friends howling hello,
It's something I'll always remember
No matter where I go.

Smothered in wolfie kisses,
Mothering orphaned raccoons,
Training all manner of mammals,
An absolute dream come true.
My life's been a dream come true.


Huh, cool story of finding ones calling and growing old and up, looking back fondly at all the animals you cared for.
This is great! I am an animal lover too and your life sounds exciting!
I like the way you bring you life to the story. I used more of a metiphor in mind but still told part of my story. Great job, let me know if you put this to music.