FAWM 2025 12 - Cicatrice
by @grimm
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Liner Notes
(WAIT FOR SONG TO PLAY IN GOOGLE DOC) Wow this one I REALLY like and can definitely see coming back to. This is another dawless song using all 3 of my synths but really was me just playing off of my Poly-D arpeggiator pretty well if I say so myself. Again I got the TD-3 to just play off of what I am playing and it somehow works Im not complaining. The drum machine I also found could hold down the bass pretty good if I change the pitch back and forth so everything in this song like that for example is me physically doing it. There is one part in particular that really sticks out to me and that starts at around 48 seconds in and goes until like 55 seconds where it just has a crazy good rhythm and sound to it. I didn't even hear it when I was playing it but it gave me goosebumps when I was listening to the recording. The whole song is good to me but theres a bunch of little bits that standout like at 2:30 too whatever it is that I did there. If you know the Poly-D it works weird sometimes. Also strangely enough I had to record the drums seperately and so I did that after I recorded the synths and all I did was create a pattern and keep the tempo and then recorded it matching the initially beginning of the synths and it worked somehow again.
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