Revenge Of The Library (Instrumental)

by @hamiltonpoolhall

Revenge Of The Library (Instrumental)

Liner Notes

#instrumental #blues #national #slide
Ages ago, I wrote a bunch of library music for a couple of different production companies. It was really fun, but of course, it's not my music any more, not really. The most fun I had was making a collection of blues instrumentals. They sounded a lot better than this one, because I actually composed them before I started recording them, and I did more than one take of each track.

In this case, I put on a click (ha! like it made a difference) and freestyled the National track, then played electric bass (apologies to all real bassists out there – #fearlessflight, I'm looking at you –), then did the two electric tracks on basically the same rig, and then "played the drums," i.e., pretended I know how to play the drums.

It was, however, wicked good fun, and all I have time for today. But once I listened back to it a couple times, I realized this also TOTALLY qualifies as my personal soundtrack, as per the Week 4 Challenge!


Yes! Love that slinky slide-y swampy blues and the additional of drums and bass make it feel like a real jam in old tucked away drinking establishment in a small town in Louisiana. 🎶
What's not to like about this. It has a little bit of everything I love. This is actually my forth time listening through. I listened through a few times while I was doing chores. I couldn't fully focus but was dig'n it. The bass and drum rolls and hits sets the groove for the smooooooth slide, trills, and chicken pick'n, bends and vibratos. I'm feeling like a pig in sonic sh$t. Couldn't be happier....
It is also wicked good fun to listen to. Love the title, even without knowing the backstory.