Not a Sad Song

by @sheilerk

Skirmish: Choose Your Own Adventure (@robinleaf)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#lyricsonly #skirmish #not-a-sad-song


I don't wanna write a sad song,
My brain says go away,
There's way too much sadness
I'm seeing every day.

When I want to write a song,
Pick up pencil or computer,
I'd rather write a melody
That's bouncier, that's cuter!

So, This is my Protest Song,
I'm making up a poster,
No More Sad Songs,
Get off that roller coaster.
This is my Protest Song,
I really hope you'll join me.
Pick up that frown and put it down,
Who needs all that baloney!

When the sky is falling
And turns from blue to grey
I'm grabbing my umbrella
And going out to play.

The world is turning upside down,
Going from bad to worse,
But, I'll keep the sun shining
in my full-spectrum universe!

This is my Protest Song,
I'm making up a poster,
No More Sad Songs,
Get off that roller coaster.
This is my Protest Song,
I really hope you'll join me.
Pick up that frown and put it down,
Who needs all that baloney!


Oh man 😂 I have so many song attempts that are just like this, but these lyrics are just better; I absolutely love em!
What the world needs not is Love, sweet Love. Thanks for listening to my personal adventure song "No Fleas, Please". It's sort of a protest song too. I could have written it about Covid, but that would be too sad...particularly now that we have a new Health Minister in the USA to protect our health!
I love how it's turned around, and in the best way! Excellent skirmish!
I like the sentiment behind this. Happy positive vibes for sure. Good skirmishing!