Laughter heals
by @gordon
Skirmish: Choose Your Own Adventure (@robinleaf)Liner Notes
Was just about to head out, when I read a comment on my first song for this skirmish, which ended, "Laughter heals". Thanks to @williamjames for the inspiration for this one. Now I really must head off, so I'll come back later to check the others in the skirmish
They say that laughter heals
It sure has its appeal
So let’s keep it real
And not take it too seriously
Laughter heals
They say opposites attract
And I have got your back
While I have the looks
You like to read books
They say that only day can follow night
Things are wrong before they’re right
Sunshine follows rain
Then it goes round again and again
They say that laughter heals
It’s how it makes you feel
So feel free to laugh at me
I’m as happy as can be
(c) words and music G Todd 2025