
by @hmstreetteam

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Butterfly sunrise and soul family.


Forgive me if I yawn
I’ve been tired since I was born
Life is a long
Slow wake-up song

The origin story
I have told it already
An empty box
Once you take out the rocks

I got such bad advice
I had to hear it twice
They said how to fly
But never went outside

Where are the lights on
Who knows what’s going on
A sunrise
When you look in their eyes

Who is playing the tune
That says what life is about
The ones who put you in the cocoon
Or the ones who got you out

When the truth comes together
You are light as a feather
Why did you wait
Why did you carry the weight

When you’re beaten down sore
Who knows how to soar
Not who knows how to win
Then the day can begin

Who is playing the tune
That says what life is about
The ones who put you in the cocoon
Or the ones who got you out


These lyrics kick butt.

An empty box
Once you take out the rocks

Lyrical gold:

When the truth comes together
You are light as a feather
Why did you wait
Why did you carry the weight

Amazing response to miopic perspectives.