If we're gonna stop the Aliens

by @jeremykazoo

Skirmish: Motivator (@rinwolf)

Liner Notes

For the #motivator #skirmish by @rinwolf. Personally I think aliens are a great motivator. Just depends what you need motivated.

#kazoo #aliens


The next time you look outside
There could be something coming from the sky
Close encounter of the third kind
Come to enslave humankind

Gotta keep moving on
Getting smarter and evolving
We need to become strong
If we're gonna stop the aliens

We could stop their lasers if we try
Put a flying saucer net in the sky
Get special glasses to see the spies
Capture one and learn how they fly.

Gotta keep moving on
Keep yourself vigilant
We need to become strong.
If we're gonna stop the aliens.


well done, this was a good submission.
Whoohoo, a Kazoo!! What a cool take on the prompt, nicely written and I loved the fun tune, and the kazoo was a treat.
Cool groove!
I’ve never thought of aliens as a motivator but now I just might!
The driving music feels quite motivating as does the kazoo!
I love that chord progression! Was that a kazoo between verses? Aliens are quite the motivator, indeed