Attention Span

by @wsharper69

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

This is a very rough draft. #needsmusic #needscollab #needsvocals


Hey you! YEAH you
Mom and dad
Ever wonder what went wrong?
Sit back and listen to this song

Your chillin don't need everything you never had
So much chaos, wants and needs
All this self centered raising is giving me nose bleeds

Still buying your twenty something kids their kicks and lids

Your basement full of games
living with ficticious names
Never seeing faces
Your shoes without laces

Span span attention span
Such a blip in time

Expectations low
Work force is slow
Slower than slow it's starting to show
8 and a quarter seconds is the average attention span
You say what's wrong with that man
A goldfish has nine

Slow to grow
Starting to show
Slow to grow
Oh lordy it's starting to show
Never weaning makes them always leaning
Codependent Never independent


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