
by @lbrewington

Liner Notes

# liner notes


happy as promised, and a speed record, thank you very much.

i have tried to tell everyone i know about the curse of murfreesboro. People who know, know that Davis Market was the center of the universe, going back to before the first people. there is a curse upon the land that you will remain. the the only way to dispel the curse is to urinate on the geologic marker in the center of everything. i have done so, and i have left. i remember Squid and Worm fondly. they were fringe friends, but the best of the bros. still there to this day.

#acoustic #onetake #singersongwriter

# details

started: 1:41 am
ended : 2:20 am
final demo: 2:44 am

# notes

not much to say. i lived in murfeesboro for eight years, so i can relate strongly. lol. i'm pretty sure that i misspelled the city multiple times in this take but i will eventually learn to spell it for this song alone, but i can say if you sing it correctly it is correct. (drp). i don't near do a good job explaining the curse in the song, but i have these thoughts in my head now and that is worth everything. it warms my heart to write a song about murfreesboro,tn.


[capo 1]
c g
i'm not concerned with hallucinations
f c
and i'm sure your ai cool

c g
but the one things it is for sure lacking
f c
is the story of the squid and worm

c g
a beer of jug, on a friday night
f c
showing up crossed eyes, feeling alright

g c f g
M u r f r e e s b o r o
f g -c
murfeesboro, tn
g -c - f g
the center of the universe
the center of tennessee

f - c - g - c
and if you ever want to leave
well you know where you got to pee

c - g
squid and worm they had a plan
f c
they'd worke dit out

c - g - f - c
they were gonna work third shift
till they had enough
c - g - f - c
but they forgot just one thing
the curse upon the land


c - g - f - c
squid and worm they are there
to this very day
if you see them passing by
well pour one out for me


f g -c
murfeesboro, tn


thank you for bringing this urban legend from the suburbs of nashville to the general attention of folk outside of the loop. fine job of telling the tale and i want to emphasize that this is not a spin off of some netflix series, but is a true story, one we should all know.