Conducting pigeons

by @gordon

Conducting pigeons

Liner Notes

We've all done it. Haven't we?


I conduct the pigeons on my roof
But They just fly away
I wish that they would stay
I wave my arms around
To the music in my head
The pigeons look on bemused
Settled on the roof next door
Strutting to their own rhythm
Dancing round in circles
Trying to attract a mate
A bird to whom they can relate
I’m still conducting the music
As it reaches the finale
I tap my feet on the floor
But the rhythm slips away
Oh how I wish it would stay
So I hum along with the breeze
That whispers through the trees
The birds are perched on the wire
Watching as the world spins slow
They tilt their heads, curious
Chasing shadows on the ground
Flapping wings in graceful arcs
Looking for a place to land
I’m still lost in the music
As the melody turns to sand

(c) words and music G Todd 2025


I really like the pace of this, which allows for all the imagery to land so well. I love the title too -music and birds- a great combo.