Blank Mind

by @paintonit

Liner Notes

This was by far the fastest production so far, which is ironic because it's a song about writer's block. I have always wanted to include the lyric "free beer tomorrow" and something about the "man cave" so I'm glad that finally happened.


a blank mind is free
what’s that gotta do with me?
there are no rhymes that come to mind
just the blank page

always dreamed you’d be a star
you can’t melt face with an air guitar

tv and takeout
movie and make out
A sign that says free beer tomorrow
In the man cave

always thought I’d go so far
driving around in the Red Bull car

blank mind and a blank page
flat ride for a flat rate
there are no lines that come to mind
just gotta wait!

how you gonna sell what you cannot yell
when you’re driivng around with the windows down?

a blank mind is free
what’s that gotta do with me?
there are no rhymes that come to mind
just the blank page

always dreamed you’d be a star
you’ll never melt a face with an air guitar


Love this. Really nice harmonies, so nicely balanced. And nicely structured all the way through. Floaty but held my interest completely. Gorgeous.
Really digging the tune. Love the delayed vocals in the third verse.