FAWM 2025 10 - Nightly

by @grimm

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Liner Notes

This one is so short and so horrible I hate it. I had 0 idea where I wanted to go with the intro but that's really the only good part of it so at least I can have that pattern in mind later. The levels are so bad and its too much going on I know I also just randomly came up with that title because I feel like my titles that are in reserve are too good to make a not good song to compliment them so I'm saving them for at least the last 3 songs because I plan on putting more effort into those. I just don't have any time to put full effort into these things BUT my one song Beauty Of My Life I put a lot of effort into because my school is having a sound off and it is one of the contestants in the voting!!! Either they chose 2 of the best or only 2 people made songs for it but hey there's a chance for a $40 amazon gift card!


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