by @smudge
Skirmish: Zoo (@atornberg)
There is no demo for this song.
Liner Notes
This was inspired by current politics. Btw I respect most animals more than most people ;) #zoo #currentpolitics
Look at the animals
Trapped in their cage
Look at the animals
Bubbling with rage
They’re huffing and fighting
They’re yelling and griping
They’re shoving and biting
It’s so uninviting
Look at the animals
Trapped in their cage
Look at the animals
Bubbling with rage
They don’t even listen
A self-imposed prison
Such short-sighted vision
With non-stop divisions
Look at the animals
Trapped in their cage
Look at the animals
Bubbling with rage
Great metaphorical writing. I could hear this as a hard rock song. This is well-written. Nice work!
Very well written. Zoo in life of people being in cages. Strong concept and delivery. I hope to hear your singing and playing.
Great use of an extended metaphor to comment on the craziness of these times. Flows well.
Do you speak French? I’m pretty sure that la rage means rabies, and foaming at the mouth is one of the indicators that a wild animal has rabies. Bubbling with rage seems like a good turn of phrase
Politics seems to be on the minds of many people these days and your approach here is great. I can picture the animals shaking the cages, going crazy, particularly the monkeys. I hope you can get some music for this.
Nice work. And content-wise, we're on the same page! ;)