Move Me
by @roxya
Liner Notes
Trying to expand my skillset I suppose. This is all so very out of my acoustic guitar one take comfort zone. The piano is programmed midi, cause I can not play (though I wish I could). I might have overdone the reverb. Need to move on though. #goodenoughforfawm
#singersongwriter #uhmwhat #whattagdoIuseforthis
Move me
since when have I been walking around with mud on my feet
never even noticing each step is heavy
so I drag it all along
digging furrows in the ground
i’ve taken all of these
these things that keep me bound
wont you move me
change my heart
this stone I carry
break it apart
it’s not easy to learn and let go
to heal from past hurts
forget what you’ve known
It might not always show
but scars can callous
and thicken ones skin
wont you move me
change my heart
this stone I carry
break it apart