Watching the Snow
Liner Notes
It's been a long winter here in Michigan.
This song is #lyricsonly for the time being.
Verse One:
The icy flakes are tumbling
Gently from the sky
I’ve always found them beautiful
Albino butterflies
I check my phone to see if you’ve replied
Verse Two:
Crystalline and lovely
Tiny specks of white
Softly touch my skin
Unknowing of my plight
I check my phone to see if you’ve replied
I sit and watch the snow
It’s delicate and slow
And it’s cold, and it’s cold, and it’s cold
I’ve nowhere else to go
And so I watch the show
And it’s cold, and it’s cold, and it's cold
Verse Three:
Against the orange background
The flakes are faintly flying
The sun is slowly setting
The light listlessly dying
I check my phone to see if you’ve replied
[repeat chorus]
The blanket hardly ever breaks
All of my mistakes
Are slowly covered up with flakes
I silently survey the scene
Innocent and clean
The world is peaceful and serene
[repeat chorus]
I really like the patient wintry images you paint in Watching the Snow. The human elements of phone checking and the covering over of mistakes, I find intriguing and so Im pulled in by the contrast. What type of music do you imagine for the lyrics?