Page 32 of this book
by @cadence
Skirmish: The 32nd Page (@gruvmachine)Liner Notes
Page 32 of this book, reminds me of what i need to do
To keep my garden stocked with food, when I really have no clue
I probably need a ladder as it says raised beds are best,
I guess to sleep up really high, when the gardener needs to rest
Page 32 instructs me that my life must have a plan
To stay within my garden walls and not travel in my van
Weekly charts and daily sheets will keep my thinking straight and neat
So, month by month I'll always know, what to harvest, what to sow
Page 32 assures me that all will turn out fine
If my broad beans and my broccoli are laid out line by line
The trouble is my veggies are not your usual greens
They like touring round these islands
I guess it's in their genes: it must be in their genes