The universe

by @gordon

Skirmish: (Trusting) The Universe ❀... (@kenziemackmusic)
The universe

Liner Notes

#skirmish #universe
Another one. Nice prompt


Look up at the sky, so wide and deep,
A canvas of stars where mysteries sleep.
Galaxies spinning, spiralling together
A symphony of light, hours of endless pleasure

The universe so vast and wild
Endless wonder, calling me.
From the first ever dawn to the last sunset,
In the stars, we are connected

We are made from stardust
Billions of years in the making
None of us is special
All of us are unique

One tiny note in the cosmic song
Together we shine
Together we’re strong
In the end we count for nothing

(c) words and music G Todd 2025


You did two as well! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘ so good man... this cud be the start of a concept album perhaps? Love how into this prompt u got! Well done x
This song could be sung on the observation deck of a Universal star-tour ship. Nice floatng through the cosmos kind of song
Feels like we're floating through the ... universe.. excellent job on 2 songs for the prompt, I aspire to be that quick one dayπŸ‘πŸ»
Really nice lyrics I also think the guitar fits well
The speed of your creative juices amazes me, I struggled to finish even one! πŸ˜‚. This feels like a good companion piece to the first one. Like the harmonies and the effects on the guitar too. Kudos on "none of us is special / all of us are unique" πŸ‘Œ