FAWM 2025 7 - Make Me Feel

by @grimm

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Liner Notes

(WAIT FOR SONG TO PLAY IN GOOGLE DRIVE) Ok, this one is super short, and I want to return to it because I love it. I wrote this one on the go again at school with help from the music club, which challenged me even further. They told me to make it at a bpm 132 and in Gb Lydian. I don't know what that means, but this is still at least in the Gb or F# key, right? I don't know anything about theory, but I tried it. Writing it at 132 bpm was also a struggle because I don't know what else to add. It sounded very housey to me, which is repetitive stuff I wanted to try repeatedly. But I don't like to do that. So the beginning part is minor going to major and ascending, and the ending part, which could be expanded upon, is major going to minor and ascending, and that works, so that's a new technique in my toolbox. It somehow worked well. This is also my first song to have a swing to it entirely, and it's only about 30%, which is subtle but something. Also, the first time I tried to cut up patterns, which you can hear in the beginning, was just the beginning part of pattern one over and over again, I think, worked nicely. There's some more of that cutting in the other patterns, too. I didn't do any EQing or compression because I don't know how with this much happening well enough even to try nor did I have the time to, but I did leveling, but I'm sure that bass will sound muddy over everything else. I am pleased with this one and will keep it in reserve and return to it.


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