Too Much

by @shuttlebat

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

This week has been full of a whole lot of everything - historic good and bad news, hope in hobbies, busy schedules, winter weather, you name it, there's been some flavor of it for me and mine. And I'm exhausted, and struggling to make songs go, moreso than usual.'s the vent song. I am lucky, I am safe, and I have to hope that things won't look so bleak, but for now, I'm tired and grumpy and so this is what I've got.


My thoughts have been whelmed over
And my feelings overblown
By all the big and little things
The world has ever known

Triumphant new beginnings, the birds just taking flight
Underdogs as heroes, stepping proudly to the fight
The grown and change of ages as we find our newest way
The caring and the healing after end of fighting day

The choices of our leaders, how they harm the smallest child
The spite that fills the people like a fire burning wild
The cold and bitter aftertaste of one more poison pill
The anger as another chooses death on tiny hills

My thoughts have been whelmed over
And my feelings overblown
By all the big and little things
The world has ever known

I’m twitching and I’m tired, full of new anxiety
As I soak the newest blow swinging from society
The best of any outcome is an inch away from fine
As I worry just how long the things I have will remain mine

I am lucky, really, truly, because of how my life has led
How I look and where I live, I can dodge the worst of dread
But I feel my loved ones hurting, as their peace is stripped away
As the spaces that are safe for them get smaller day by day

I cling to good news as it comes, the sparks inside the black
So tight that I might smother them, a gem that’s pressed to crack
The light is so important that it carries too much weight
A new and shaky tremor in a tangled twisted state

My thoughts have been whelmed over
And my feelings overblown
By all the big and little things
The world has ever known

I find moments of solace, and the people who provide
I can close my eyes and listen, I can find a place to hide
I just wish we had more time to recover from the pain
As the world around keeps turning, people grasp for any gain

The good will keep on trying, til there’s nothing left to try
And we must believe malice can’t out last the loud outcry
So I grip and breath and fight until it feels like I can rest
Holding onto the supporting ones reminding me I’m blessed

My thoughts have been whelmed over
And my feelings overblown
By all the big and little things
The world has ever known


So many great lines here, and so much passion! Really cleverly written and poignant, too (and I feel the same way, so thanks for expressing it). My favorite bit: "The best of any outcome is an inch away from fine." So true. Maybe more than a mile from fine actually! 😭😭😭