When the Dragons Come to Take This City Down

by @hmstreetteam

NSFW Skirmish: Cryptids! (@robinleaf)
When the Dragons Come to Take This City Down

Liner Notes

Not just another apocalyptic nightmare . . . This one has dragons.


Somebody said this fog is fake as fuck
’Cause if you’re asking for rain then I guess you’re out of luck
The falling leaves are dry as a tinderbox
You can jump into the bay if the fire spreads to the docks
I’ll be waiting by the river near the edge of town
When the dragons come to take this city down

It was like this at the Great Chicago Fire
But that was was caused by a meteor shower
Forests burned across seven states
To stop it here I’m afraid it’s just too late
I’ll be waiting by the river near the edge of town
When the dragons come to take this city down

Oh yes the tigers are waiting with their forks and knives
But they can’t catch dragons while they’re running for their lives
Sometimes the best defense is no defense at all
Go a safe distance and watch the whole thing fall
I’ll be waiting by the river near the edge of town
When the dragons come to take this city down

Well you don’t wait till your enemy declares war
It’s a story that I know you’ve heard before
They’ll get you waiting wishing and hoping
Then they’ll kick you in the head right in your weakest moment
I’ll be waiting by the river near the edge of town
When the dragons come to take this city down


The liner notes and the first line had me giggling.... And then it got all serious... But then my favorite lines: "Oh yes the tigers are waiting with their forks and knives / But they can’t catch dragons while they’re running for their lives"....bahahaha! This is great.
Love the refrain! And the imagery of tigers waiting with their forks and knives!
Best first line ever.
i enjoyed listening. I enjoyed reading the lyrics and following the story telling. I like the ideas in the song and some lines really were fun to read. The whole songwriting and storytelling was fun to read through. I find this song inspiring as well, and a bit spiritual. It's nice to see where you took the prompt. It was really fun to read through, I wasn't bored for a moment. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on another song.
Apocalyptic indeed, but with added dragons! Some great lines in there and a very visual song as well. Lovely stuff and good skirmishing!