Conversate... is that a word? It is now! πŸ˜ƒ

by @kenziemackmusic

Skirmish: Conversation (@ragbag)

Liner Notes

Yess @ragbag mate! Love this simple prompt.... i even managed a wee humourous line just for you! πŸ˜ƒβ€οΈπŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ ΏπŸŽΆ


@kkd ah really! Thats so cool! Its DEFFO a word now then! Good vibes for finishing ur song x thanks x
I haven’t finished my song yet, but also came up with the word conversate, great minds! Lovely melodic and engaging flow to this.
@leencha thank u so so much πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° x
Good! You are so talented at free writes! Beautiful meaning of the lyrics. And your singing is great as always.
@ragbag thanks man :) yeh it was a grear prompt cos could go anywhere with it u know?
U know me! Authentic AF! (Thats my album name for those not in the know lol) thanks xx
@hmstreetteam ah thanks so much for commenting :) yeh you totaly got where i was heading! :) x
@deandra ah thank you so much :) thanks for ur feedback x
Loads of lovely truth and authenticity here Fee. Glad you liked this prompt better - I agree. lol. Actually this is brill, and even more so as its improvised live. Great skill. :-)
The chorus makes perfect sense here, making a point of being unscripted the way an authentic conversation would be. I liked the thoughts about the nature and purpose of conversation too.
Such a calming, beautiful tune! I love the humor too.
Thank you for sharing!