Lighthearted conversation

by @gordon

Skirmish: Conversation (@ragbag)
Lighthearted conversation

Liner Notes

Another quick go at the prompt, again more lighthearted...


You said, life’s a rollercoaster
I said, yeah, it always makes me sick

You looked and said, Can’t you try to be serious?

I just laughed, and said no, you’re becoming delirious

Then you brought up existential dread

I told you my best dad joke instead.
You sighed, and said you’re impossible

I said I think you’re adorable

And as we bantered, back and forth
The tension eased, and laughter poured
Sometimes the best talks aren’t profound
Just two souls, playing around.

(c) words and music G Todd 2025


Nice conversation!
p.s. I've realised that's actually 3 songs of yours that I've listened to - that's amazing. :-)
Wow - you work quickly - two songs in an hour - impressive. There's a playful whistful feel to this that I really like. I love the final stanza - It is actually quite profound. :-)
I really like the "it really makes me sick" line. Very fun!