Hallelujah (It's A Snow Day!)

by @sarahdevalliere

Liner Notes

#gospel #kids #children #piano
Thought of this little ditty as I was sledding with my kiddos yesterday.
I'm embarrassed by how long I spent on this shoddy demo (my keyboard has a sticky key which was a VERY critical note grrrrr) but hopefully basic vibe is understood?
My favorite part is the last verse... maybe less kid-song appropriate but it makes me laugh cause little kids really do think the world revolves around them lol.

If I do anything with this, I'll update the chords to be a little more authentic to that southern gospel sound I was going for. Got a little lazy to that end.
And maybe it's a bit too long? I dunno, but I think it's fun, I'll probably do it for a holiday show sometime if nothing else!


Hallelujah, It’s a Snow Day!
Hallelujah how I love play in the snow
Come on Daddy (Grandpa, Brother), Let’s Go!
Hallelujah, It’s a Snow Day!
School is out so I can play in the snow
Come on Mama (Grandma, Sister), Let’s Go!

I bundle up in my black snowsuit
hats , mittens and my brand new boots
Pack our sleds and start the car
Drive to my favorite park!


I don’t mind the winter chill
Gonna climb up that big ol hill
Count to three then watch me go!
Sliding down on my own!


Can we stay just a little more?
So much snow left for me to explore
Scoop it up, pack it tight
Now I’m ready for a snowball fight


Before I went to sleep last night
I said prayer to a star in the sky
Woke up this morning and all I could see
Was snow everywhere for me
I wasn’t sure before
but now I can’t ignore
This snow everywhere for me
No, I wasn’t sure
But now I believe!

Hallelujah It's a Snow Day!


Ayyy that's what's up. Very singalongable
That's so uplifting and fun. It would be more fun with additional voices or layers. Good one
Love this gospel feel for such a fun tune! I feel like I am at the park, sledding with the fam :)
this is so fun. Really christmasy touch. Love the Clapping. Beautiful voice as well. This should be on everybody´s Christmas playlist.
This is fun, channeling Aretha and maybe even the Andrews Sisters? It's a rocking R&B masterpiece, I was singing along at the end!
Sounds great! Really upbeat and catchy! Makes want to play in the snow if we actually got some here. Great voice and lyrics!