Silent Angel

by @driftwood


I was stone cold sober
I was on my way
When a sudden shiver
Like someone was standing on my grave
Had me sweating bullets
Had me losing sleep
I made a promise and its one I intend to keep
So spoke the devil on my shoulder

Teacher please teach me
How to be OK
I've been lost for too damn long and its more than I can take
Teacher I beseech thee
Don't lead me astray
This life is just a fever dream from which I can't awake
So spoke the devil on my shoulder
So said the monkey on my back

While the angel sits in silent
Judgement of my sins
She no longer offers any guidance
But that's OK she gets out voted anyway

So spoke the devil on my shoulder
So said the monkey on my back

While the angel sits in silent
Judgement of my sins
She no longer offers any guidance
But that's OK she gets out voted anyway
That's ok she gets out voted anyway


Dance worthy rhythm and really effective solos. Vocal phrasing is catchy!
Nice write! Love the image that the angel and devil are joined by the monkey as your jury. The rhyme between "silent" and "guidance" is great.

The tension you created with the chromatic chord shifts supports the lyric well. Killer solo and outro!
I don't think I've ever considered the monkey sitting between the angel and the devil. Really nice idea.

I like the bit of flamenco feel, it really keeps things moving and nice thought for the outro too!
Love the sound of this. That first verse drew me in. I like that the monkey on your back joins the devil on your shoulder (and the angel getting outvoted). The teacher section is actually my favorite bit.