The Hidden Path
by @esc4p3
Liner Notes
Virtual instrument libraries, collecting them becomes a bit of a hobby, or at least it does for me. The pricing of them is often crazy, particularly at sale time when the seller is doing 'bundles' to try and entice buyers, like "get this bundle for only $399, worth $3,750!!. Yeah right.
That is where Soundpaint comes along with a pricing policy to tickle my fancy, "try this, usually $30, but you can have it for $15". Now that I can live with 😄
That being said, I bought 'Forgotten Voices Cait' (and Francesca) a while back, and although I love messing around with the sounds, I struggled to come up with anything to actually use it for, partly because it is so unique, but I got there in the end....well, somewhere in the end. It was hard work, and given that I'm on the clock this month, I was getting a bit fraught for time....
Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW
Ozone 10
Soundpaint Forgotten Voices Cait
BBCSO Cello, Basses and Violin
Heavyocity Damage
Super 8 for the bass sound
Massive X synth lead
Fantom 08 Oboe
#orchestral #vocal