Rare Collection Of Coins
by @robheron1
Liner Notes
This was the Bad Song Club prompt for yesterday. "Rare Collection". I like the weird A to B bass note movement. Not sure why that works. An ancient mode. Lost knowledge. Thanks Carley!
I got a rare collection of coins
From way back in Roman times
I like to hold them in my hands
And think about foreign lands
Who else held these coin?
Way back in Roman times
Was it a Regimental soldier
No they got paid in salt
Was it a runaway slave?
Well they're poor by default
Maybe it was a rich man
Caught in some kind of clash
Riding his sedan chair
That's how he lost his cash...
Now I got this....
Maybe there was a war
The whole place got sacked
Someone buried all their loot
Before they got whacked
Or might have been disease
They died and that ain't funny
They rotted away to nothing
Left nothing but the money...
...Now I got this rare collection of coins
either way, excellent stuff. Love your style.