FAWM 2025 2 -Transcender

by @grimm

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Liner Notes

This is a short one, the first song I wrote this year in February. Since last year, I have expanded my instrument and recording gear collection and want to do more actual recordings. Unfortunately, I just moved into a new house, and the electrical interference and banging of pipes that I had in my previous house have been replaced with a furnace that sits right next to the only outlet in my basement. I did, however, get into school and am much closer to getting into music technology. I am still frustrated that nobody will help me with some of my projects, like I still suck at leveling. However, I added a ton of instruments to this one and am pleased with how it sounds, especially when the separation kicks in, and I am getting better at using automation. Good headphones make that super easy. Enough about me, let me tell you about the song. This year, I prepared a list of names for songs to try and prepare, so I originally wanted this to be about my old house called "Everything Is Gone. Nothing Remains" and how I'm upset I had to leave, but instead, I am going to do that one another time. I instead wrote the title for this one after I came out as pansexual, and it is about transgender people with who I have been having more interactions in public, like at school and when I go out. They have such a beautiful way of thinking about themselves, and I love being somewhere and seeing people in a place where they can be comfortable, so I wanted to honor people I have seen dancing or talked to in the past year. I have another song title with a similar idea behind it called "Missed or Understood" that I want to do this year, but I want that to be a little more aggressive. I wanted this to be as soft or "angelic" as possible.


fun one uwu
If you click play in Google Drive, give it a second; it will eventually play. I am using .wav files this year because I didn't know there was a difference between .mp3 and .wav until yesterday. I used .mp3 last year, and I think maybe that is why, but if there is any other issue, please send me a message on my Instagram in my profile please