Did a free write at the piano 🎹✌️❀️

by @kenziemackmusic

Skirmish: Turn up the Kindness (@dudachris)

Liner Notes

I don't have lyrics as it was a free write but did put the captions on and they are not too bad πŸ™ˆ sorry its so quiet... lessons learned :)

This was a LoT of fun x


@dudachris aw thanks man! Thats so cool πŸ₯° i do a LOT of free writing/playing .... find it so helpful and inspiring! And it sots well with my Adhd to make it up as i go ❀️ thanks for listenin/commenting x
I saw some late skirmish entries come in elsewhere and I realized I needed to go back and look at my old skirmishes which is where I found this! I'm so glad I did. A freewrite! That is so cool!! I really enjoyed it and I'm glad I found it. Thanks for sharing πŸ™ πŸ‘
@leencha aw thanks lol @ F(r)EE write 🀣 (my name is Fee you guys πŸ˜ƒ)

Thanks so much... its deffo become sorta my "thing" to just free write everything! X
A nice emotional F(r)eewrite πŸ˜„πŸ₯°
The lyrics also: so good for a freewrite!
Straight from the heart
@glasscrow aw thanks for ur lovely comments 😊✌️
This is beautiful! I was worried we'd all write cheesy songs to this prompt, but there is no cheese here. This is lovely and peaceful.
@majordanby oh wow thanks so much for ur lovely feedback/comments πŸ₯°

I write 95% of my music this way nowadays so have deffo got more confident at it πŸ˜ƒ im disabled so i have to make everything take WAY less time is the thing πŸ˜ƒ its served me well! X
Wow, this is impressive for an ad libbed song. I sometimes do this to get songs going but there will be mostly oohs and la la las. πŸ˜‚

You have a wonderful voice. Very powerful and moving. Very well done.
For some reason the captions did NOT work πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ˜” #techprobs Hope u get the general gist... maybe weat headphones x 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🎹🎢✌️πŸ₯°πŸŽ§