Forest with an Old Tree

by @amtunlimited

Liner Notes

Number two is in the bag! I think I'm going to come back and make a better demo, but in the meantime have what was essentially improvised on the spot.

NOTE: I said yesterday I was too much of a coward to make music about myself, and that phrase in my songwriting is really coming to a middle. This is me portraying a character, and events portrayed have no connection to real life.

Something I often struggle with (or at least want to get better about) is through-composing, that is, just writing a song straight through. Not necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes it makes a better song to make a target and then shoot for it rather than just barreling straight through. I ended up writing the second verse first, then the third, then the first, then deciding to repeat the first for last.

I got kind of cute with the third verse and got to clever for my own good. This is another problem that I have, YOLOing some really out there meter in the lyric writing phase and making it a problem for future me. And then future me shows up.

Another thing I want to try to steer away from is "Verse Chorus Verse Chorus Bridge Chorus Done!". Of course I guess I did repeating a verse and it was 100% because the song didn't feel long enough but I think going from the big lesson to the single lesson really works here.

#folk #piano #pop


The forest
Has always done a good job
Hiding all those trees
I could almost see the leaves
But I always took
Any chance to look
At anything other than
What's in front of me

The snow hadn't stopped yet
There was so much on the ground
We'd only just met
There's no telling
What could have
Been found

Of course I was the one
That couldn't stick around

(piano break)

Under the old tree
We'd danced together
You were a the jewel
I was the fool that couldn't
weather the "whether" or "not"

I threw away the
best chance that I ever got

You gave off such a glow
I guess my feet got too cold
Dancing in the snow

The forest
Does such a good job
Hiding that old tree
I could almost see the leaves
But I always took
Any chance to look
At anything other than
What's in front of me


Wow! Another gorgeous song. A contemplative and beautiful melody, matched by your accomplished piano playing. Impressive!
This is great. Your voice and phrasing with that piano sounds great. I suggest using the "What's in front of me" as your chorus or tag; repeat that line where possible. The slow tempo is nice, but trying a quicker tempo with an RnB feel would be cool. Nice work!
I think you're far too hard on yourself. This is fine songwriting. I'm not a master, but this is 21 FAWMS for me with 200+ lyrics and 200+ instrumentals under my belt. You're the real deal. Relax. Enjoy the process.

Some folks are naturals (obviously a lot of work goes into your level of playing) and aren't clear about how good they really are.

I mean, "couldn't weather the whether or not" ? Come on, that is quality stuff. Feel too cold from dancing in the snow. Mucho meta, man.

This is a wonderful song. I know this guy, and this is true to the version of him I've met. Also, your playing. Yes oh yes.
Really quite lovely.