The Sí

by @mikedelaney

Liner Notes

I've been studying Irish Folklore and the Irish language with Kate Chadbourne, so I figured the Sí should have a song.


The Sí – Mike Delaney, FAWM25

Spoken Intro: Just so you know, the “Little People” are real. They are known by many names, The Wee Folk, The Good People, The Gentry. They don’t like to be referred to as dwarfs or leprechauns. But I just call them by their Irish name, The Sí.

I was walking deep in the woods
And he stepped out from behind a tree
A cute little old man
I knew he was one of the Sí

He called out to give a listen
He wanted to have a talk
So, we sauntered side by side
As we took our little walk

I know they’re always there
Though no one else seems to care
They’ve been around for ages and ages
In their secret little places…
They are the Sí

He tells me he’s so grateful
That I am aware of the Little Folk
No one pays them any heed
Others think they are a joke

He says I’m the last man
Who has the fairy belief
No one else in the whole world
And that causes the Good People grief


I agreed to spread the word
Tell everyone I happen to meet
But I found it harder than hell
No one cared to learn of the Sí

I spent my remaining years
Trying to fulfill this foolish quest
But there is something I want all to know
It’s that I tried my best

But now I’m gonna die
And they’ll be no one left after me
No one to spread their fame
No one else who believes in the Sí

Final Chorus:
I knew they were always there
Now no one even gives a care
They’ve been around for ages and ages
In their secret little places…
They are the Sí
Tag: The long-forgotten Sí


Thanks for spreading the word. Great story-telling, great performance.
Cute! Nice guitar part! I’m sad they’re forgotten by the end. It’s reminiscent of the last unicorn.