Old Man Blues

by @toms

Old Man Blues

Liner Notes

Well, this is the single most self-indulgent thing I have ever written. Bass is the MODO 2 acoustic bass. The song explains why. šŸ˜„ Just learning how to use it now! "Old Arthur" is arthritis, of course.


Iā€™m greatly disappointed to tell you that
Your left hand ainā€™t gonna work anymore
So, youā€™d better find some new hobbies
Something low impact, good for old folks like you

And your brain is kinda fried, I mean not so bad you can tell
But I can see it right here in my machine
Just keep a little notepad to help you when
You get lost on the way to the kitchen or the car

I mean, you knew this was coming, didnā€™t you?
It happened to your dad, after all
But that fucking COVID shit that no oneā€™s taking seriously
It sure got serious with you, didnā€™t it?

"Old Arthurā€ got you down
Yeah, old Arthur got me down too
I fell down and hit my head
The stars were very blue
Itā€™s the old man blues.
Fucking left hand.


Your beautiful guitar work keeps our dreams alive.

Do not go gentle, my dude.
I want to sit on my sofa in San Francisco with a bong and a bottle of a Mateus with a lot of my friends hanging out listening to your album at full volumeā€¦
Man that walk-in movin bass is outta site
And that farfisa sounding keys is like rider on the storm
Dig a lot
Yeah like that old song: Achin' all over.
There are some achingly beautiful guitar work and tones in this tune.
Cool Bass work too.
Feelin' that, fella. Nicely done.
Love the groove here. The bass does some really nice runs. Guitar tone sounds great too.
Ouch! Nice write, but hits a little close to home.

Lovely guitar tones, with a heaping side of reverb to taste.
The first solo guitar section, about 24 seconds to 47 seconds was so buttery, I swear to God I melted in my seat. I can relate to some old man blues. I'm getting old brother. I loved your word choices and the music was incredible. Keep on rocking, toms!