And So It Begins

by @rangermike555

And So It Begins


So It Begins mc/20250201

So it begins, we’re just bombing along
Trying our best to squeeze out this first song
Just picking our way from one note to the next
Just hoping to get a good start to this FAWM

The sun’s shining bright, the sky is clear blue
I was sure that this ditty would create something new
But alas I’m afraid I will always end up
With the same flipping tune, so what will I do

I’ll sulk, and I’ll fret but I’ll keep plugging on
With tears in my eyes, my incentive near gone
I should go for a walk in this glorious day
And hopefully blow all my cobwebs away

A walk in the park, maybe finding my muse
As I trundle along in my old running shoes
My spirit will brighten, at least this one time
I’ll come up with something, I’ve nothing to lose

That’s all very fine, but then what will come next
Will I plummet again and become sorely vexed
When the sky become cloudy, and the snow starts to fall
Maybe hell freezes over, will I quit after all.

No way. Each cloud, every snowflake is blessed
With a song of its own, whether happy or sad
Who cares if we find ourselves down in the dumps
Just write the damn song, get it done, and be glad.


I feel personally attacked by this relateable content. This is a great first song. Keep 'em coming.
This is dripping with good vibes and that jaunty rhythm is a joy! I love it!
An epic first song about a first song, will there be a second song about the second song? 😊 I've never heard anyone do that before. I like your chirpy delivery what is a very frustrating feeling (I've been there), your singing and conversational delivery are great, I'd like to hear you tell another story!
Sounds great!
Ah Mike. Your musical storytelling is so charming and delightful. Jaunty self deprecation with a cobweb swept swagger in old running shoes. You’re a marvel.
Oh, wonderful images. Such a happy song, and enjoy.