This song is for leering ears.

by @yam655

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

When I was creating my prompts, this one here was clearly a variant of the prompt used for

They go in totally different directions, though. That one was _about_ leering ears. This one is _for_ leering ears.

They're cute, #queer leering ears. Totally different than problematic kinds of leering ears.


I know some ears they leer, leer.
I know some ears, they leer.
And what do you think I do
when I come across those dears?

I take those ears and kiss them!
I take those ears and bop them on the nose!
I take those ears and kiss them!
They're so queer and cute you know!

That's what I do with the ears that leer.
That's what I do when I hear and listen.
That's what I do with the ears that leer
I kiss and bop their nose.

I know some ears they leer.
I know some toes that grow.
I know some ears they leer.
Sometimes it's right, right you know.


Ah, this feels like twitter a few years ago.