It's queer time and I'm lunch.

by @yam655

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

It's #queer time again!

This is not the first time I've sung about being a sandwich. I think it is number 3? The first one counted as the most depressing song I had ever written. (Probably still the most depressing.) This one is nice and cheery.


It's queer time and I'm lunch.
I'm a sandwich, so eat me up.
It's queer time and I'm lunch.
Not like that! No, not like that.

Maybe that is your thing.
You want to be eaten.
Maybe that is your thing
but I'm ace and aro, too!

You know that it is queer time
and I'm an egg salad sandwich.
You know that it is queer time.
But I'm ace and aro, too.

Will you eat me?
Because I'm egg salad?
Did you want some veggies?
Maybe carrots or cukes, too?

It is queer a time and I'm lunch.
Even though I'm egg salad.
I know this is just a hunch.
But I'm good. I am good.


Creative lyrics, sending a message. Nice!