Something something mecha queens

by @yam655

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Are they drag queens in mechs? Or are they fighting in giant mechanical drag queens? I'm not even sure. I know it is #queer. And I know they win.


Something something mecha queens.
I do not even know what it means.
Something something mecha queens.
Is that mech a queen on a queen show?

Or is that a queen in that mech?
I thought it was a lovely dress.
Is that a queen in that mech?
She was looking furious. Furious.

So the mecha queens will go
go to save us all you know.
So the mecha queens will go
Then they'll strut, strut for the show.

Something something mecha queens.
Eventually I'll know what it means.
Something something mecha queens.
All I know is that they win.


Gotta keep you good eye on the Mecha Queens. Next thing you know is that they'll escape looking for a Grateful Dead concert! This is some fine writing