The King of Beer

by @yam655

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Does this #beer song not seem very #queer? Why would you say that? It looks very ace and aro to me.

I mean, we even have someone using "King" together with she/her pronouns. We have no idea if she wears a dress or grows a beard or does both. Not knowing just makes it more queer, doesn't it?


That's the king of beer.
Bring her a bottle, a keg.
That's the king of beer.
She will drink all night on legs.

When the king of beer comes
prepare all the ale
prepare the lager
prepare! Prepare!

When the king of beer comes
prepare all the porter.
She doesn't mind
if the beer is darker.

The king of beer is coming tonight.
Prepare! All of you prepare!
The kind of beer is coming tonight.
Beware all of you codgers.

She will drink you under the table.
She'll make you pay off her tab.
She'll drink you under the table.
Prepare! Prepare!


I like the lyrics! Wish I could hear the song.