The land of sausage

by @yam655

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

The most #queer thing about this song is that when I say "sausage" I mean a type of ground meat in a cylindrical casing.

You know, the asexual definition of the word.


The land of sausage
is a land for me.
The land of sausage
is just right you see.

There's so much to eat
So much meat in the sea
The land of sausage
The land of sausage

When in the land
be right and be grand
Bring your barbecue.

When in the land
It's right to stand
while eating one or two.

In the land of sausage
there's no sauerkraut
No pickled herring
No turnips about.

In the land of sausage
There's meat in the sea
There's meat in the land
For you and for me.


Well…the sausage may be platonic but my nips are still cutting glass? I want to visit this island…it seems like it’s the wurst…🤓