
by @oatsg · @oatst

Skirmish: What would you do with a ... (@robinleaf)

Liner Notes

Seeing as a couple of people have asked, the chords for this are super simple. Standard tuning, and alternating between A minor (x02210) and kind of a C shape played a couple of frets up (054000) - which my chord app tells me is an E m9. This is a typical strategy for me: play a chord a bit wrong and somewhere else on the neck and see what happens. 9 times out of 10 it sounds horrible. @oatst is also playing at times, so there might be some interesting interplay between what we’re each doing…

There are moments of “extremely loose timing” which we decided were intentional, given the subject matter.

#folk #volca #modular


Even if with Bill and Ted
There is nowhere I would go
I don't want to chase dreams
Now is all I know

There is time I should regret
That's why I'm here
Raise a glass
Times that pass

You can keep your time machine
I'll stay right here
Right now

Breathe in
Breathe out
Right now


Raw and felt. Lovely. The grandfather clock effect. The odd chords. Great. Btw I too have been known to take advantage of misplaced chord shapes
Thanks everyone for your kind comments! @longbat - I’ve added the two chords we used… as a “tab” 😀
I liked the metronome like sound you had going on in the middle. Felt like a heartbeat, or the time passing or both, which given the tone of this song felt like a great addition. Very reflective, well done!
This drew me in right away with the reined back guitar and steady thump. The character so resolute, weary perhaps, and honest. Very compelling.
OooooOOOooOOh, I like some of those nasty,dark chords!!!! Could you maybe post a tab? The song has a very heavy, weary, trudging feel to it, nice work emoting that!
Oooh, nice dark chords...I love what you've done with this prompt, too. You wouldn't do anything with a time machine! I dig the ending, too. Brilliant!
A very powerful introspective feel that I love. The simple percussion and strong strum with that chord progression and those well paced strong vocals deliver the sentiment of the lyric so well.
That’s got a great foreboding feel to it. Rhythmically powerful playing. Breath in breath out right now. Intense well done.
I like the sentiment and the theme of presence. The steady beat works as a way to illustrate the way that time is something we can’t escape.