Queering your ears
by @yam655
Liner Notes
Just a little song to remind folks of their #queer little #ears.
I don't know about you, but my ears are totally asexual. They're super queer!
Queering your ears.
I'm going to queer your ears.
You have no idea just how queer your ears can get.
Why would you think they were straight?
Have they ever had hetero intercourse?
Why would you think they were straight?
Your ears have always been queer.
Queering your ears.
I'm going to queer your ears.
You have no idea justhow queer your ears might be.
You thought they were just ordinary.
You thought they were just regular.
But all ears are queer.
All ears are queer.
Why would you think they were straight?
Have they ever had hetero intercourse?
Some ears have hetero intercourse.
Some ears have been straight.
But have your ears?
Have your ears?
Do they like hetero intercourse?
Or have they always been queer?