‘Broken’ knee song

by @tunecat

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

On the first day of Vogrie pogrie last Friday I stepped out of my van ( as the song says) only to wobble on my makeshift step and .. btw my knees has pretty much recovered now.. in the process of regaining my balance my knee seemed to take the brunt of twisting. A few hours after it had happened the knee swelled up and it’s been quite a salutary lesson. Yes. Suddenly being barely able to walk, not able to climb into my bed ( above the cab) and if it had only been slightly worse I could have been out of action for months -even permanently . But I wasn’t. Hoorah. I’m nearly ok now a week later . I have a massive bruise on my calf for some reason but my knee seems to be pretty much fine.
This song got written one of the days of the festival. It seems to run out. But maybe that’s a good thing.

Here’s to injuries that only remind us how lucky we are to have everything operational. And to take good care of ourselves. And to rest or stop … I was so careful for the next few days !!!


Broken knee song

I stepped out into the luscious green
Full up with optimism and eagerness
I wore my kaftan and looked a dream
And then before I knew it I was stuck in a scream!!

( space for sound effects)

There was shock and there was pain and
There was fear and ouch and oooh!!
There was ‘what the fuck?’ snd ‘no not again’
In the midst of all being wonderful the touch of
( space for people to supply a suitable word ) rain!

And insane, and blame, and inane, .., wane

Why me ?
Why this ?
Why now?
Can’t it just stay good?

Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
No it can’t .. now get on with it.

I’d missed my footing
and I’d twisted on the spot
My knee went clunk and clack
I’d stayed upright but at a cost
I was proudly upstanding
I’d got the knack !

But my knee didn’t like it
and though I stepped out and on
And did my gig and
Sang my song

I could barely move a few hours later
And I hobbled out of the woods
Like an ( space for people to supply rhyme) alligator
( not really I just couldn’t resist that rhyme so I suppose it should be an alligator with a dodgy knee).

and I went from
diva to granny
Leaning on my stick
Like a .. ninny or a nanny …

In my monster hat and bronze-coloured boots
My magnificence on the wane
With gravitas in short supply
I had to accept my fate -
I did not blub or cry

Well only a bit …


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