Gratitude song

by @tunecat

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

My notes file says 15.9.25 but now I can’t remember the context. It reads like a song from a musical perhaos for kids but also a bit serious .. thd notes at the end suggest a long term interest ( never tried out) of actually mixing discussion and ideas of the ‘audience’ so these could be incorporated or experienced at least in the final version. I’ve had lots of ideas like this to break down the barriers between performer and audience and make it more of a ‘happening ‘
No music as yet. Open to collabs


Gratitude song

So lucky cause I can sleep
So lucky so lucky
And ‘cause I can weep ..
so lucky

And ‘cause I have this ..
well it’s all pretty much working.
And I experience bliss
Wherever it’s lurking.

So I’m not sad
and I’m not afraid
And I’m not hiding
I’m staying in the shade.

I’m not burning
I just can’t take a lot
I’m only learning
Until I’m

So lucky ‘cause I think fast
So lucky so lucky
‘Cause I can ask
So lucky.

And cause I can speak
Even if sometimes I get it wrong.
( and I lose the words or I can’t explain or I don’t have a name for what I’m feeling and you get the wrong end of the stick due to my words and think I’m a rich.. which I am of course cause I’m only a work in progress)
And cause I’m strong not weak
And I get along.

And people are beloved to me.
Generally I love humanity
With their quirks and their capers their
Artifice and the rest
Despite their afflictions
They are the best.

Including me.
Including me.

So I’m not sad
and I’m not afraid
And I’m not hiding
I’m staying in the shade.

I’m not burning
I just can’t take a lot
I’m only learning
Until I’m

And I’m not sad
They are tears of feeling
I’m emotional and glad
So lucky to be healing.

I’m self righting
Sustaining and robust
I’m vibrant and
And vigilant and must

Live coherently
embracing what is so
So I can can look you in the eye
And by the way I know.

And by the way I know.

I’m so lucky.
So lucky so lucky
I’m so lucky
So lucky so lucky

I’m so lucky
To be here
Cause the alternative sucks
I’m so lucky
To have the opportunity to
Line up my ducks

I’m lucky to be me
So lucky so lucky
And to … try to see
So lucky so lucky
And lucky to … know all you
So lucky so lucky
And to ..
I’m lucky
So lucky so kicky

Concept of song/poem integrating ideas from audience. Maybe initially a session of preamble getting people to list why they are lucky or why I’m lucky and the poem /song starts and the refrain is for people to do but eventually there’s a place for bits of the other ideas to be brought in …


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