8 Bars In

by @strumandstress

Liner Notes



I wrote a song about you On how you lost your youth
And how your beauty’s faded if I could tell the truth
I sang it to you for a laugh it didn’t raise a grin
Because you said this us goodbye Eight bars in

And now I paint the town red They say don’t drink alone
But I am not good company I’ve no one else to phone
I cannot ease my guilt and pain with whisky or with gin
I can’t forget the mess I made Eight bars in

I’ve made my life a prison cell I cannot break the chains
And there’s no plan for escape I haven’t got the brains
I’m building up the prison walls I’m here with just my sin
I look through that one window with Eight bars in


Very clever lyric! You have that excellent almost music hall entertainment style, but with better lyrics!
The chord progression fuels the anxiety that these lyrics give me. If you're going for unease, you got it! Haha a very fun tune, I enjoyed it quite a bit.