Watchtower Redux

by @jeff9

Challenge: Response Song
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#lyricsonly #songsidekicksongcircle
Just finished this for the song circle starting in 15 minutes, so haven't recorded any music for it yet, but it's in the works. The challenge was to write a song that's a response to an existing, famous song. Hopefully, it's obvious what I chose.


Watchtower Redux

The joker and the thief were reminiscing
About that night they watched two riders on the storm
From a castle in the air / they’d built themselves a story there
Concealing it was all a metaphor

The legend’s lingered on throughout the ages
The prophet Jimi said it could be true
That troubadours could know / more than the bible told them so
That four horsemen were maybe only two

Every era has its own apocalypse to blame
Howling winds and catamounts
Like omens of the pain
That masters of war and death will bring

Maybe it’s supposed to be a lesson
And we’re all up on that castle parapet
Or waiting in a room with our eyes glued to the door
Dreading just what hasn’t happened yet


Now Dylan’s rarely literal with his lyrics
Some mysteries are better left unsolved
And the one about the watchtower he never would explain
But I say he’s both the men up on those walls



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