Ain't Got You

by @davidtaro

Liner Notes

I've been noodling around with the various guitar bits on this one since FAWM, but actually putting them all together into a song has proved frustratingly elusive. I'm not sure if this is the optimal or correct version of the song, the lyrics are very filler and kind of an afterthought, but sod it--better to get it done and move on, I say.

I'm aware the verse/riff owes a big ol' debt to Don't Let Me Down (let me know if it's *too* close, it may well be 😬 ). I've leant into the late-period Beatlesy-ness with the production - three-part harmony, Rhodes, etc. I also recorded the guitars via SM56/amps to try and get a more 'live' feel. Did it work? Who can say. Maybe this can serve as an early entry for Roctober 😂


I don’t know which way to turn
When I ain’t got you
I feel like I’m falling
When I ain’t got you

Oh, I’ve been waiting such a long, long time
But you went away
Never tried to stay and fight
Fight for what we had
When what we had was good

I can’t get it together
When I ain’t got you
I feel so damn dizzy
When I ain’t got you

Oh, never told me why you had to leave
You just went away
Without a word to say to me
Left me so broken
Now I ain’t got you

Hit me! Harder! Punchbag…

Oh, never told me why you had to go
You just went away
What was I supposed to say?

Now the windows are shattered
‘Cause I ain’t got you
And I walk barefoot right through the glass
‘Cause I ain’t got you

Hit me! Harder! Punchbag…

Oh, I’ve been waiting such a long, long time
But you went away
Never tried to stay and fight
Fight for what we had
When what we had was good

Left me so broken
Now I ain’t got you


there is no optimal correct version mate! this is what it is! and its good to my ear! Great simple title to hang so much off! funny how some are easy and some are hard! i noticed a bit of don't let me down as well but maybe its because i heard it 500 times in the beatles doco! Nice one mate!
Wonderful 3 part harmony right from the start! The guitar licks are so catchy - and I like the "conversation" between the guitar and the vocals - and that lovely space. Really interesting song structure - it sounds very original to my ears - and very "David". Great lyrics also!
Tasty riffage and love that you doubled it with the bass. I do hear the ref. to "Don't Let Me Down" but with a major dash of Mr. Taro sauce which gives it's a diff. flavor !
Love the line "Hit me! Harder! Punchbag" Well done .
Started listening before I read all the liner notes and the intro sounded so familiar and then I read the "Don't Let Me Down" bit. I think that's the only part that's *really* close. The "Left me so broken" bit maybe. But my ears tend to find other songs in the oddest places so don't pay any attention to this. But, wow! Love it!