The Tragedy of Marie

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


It's a tragedy for Marie
One for years no one could see
Started out an innocent teen
Into a world that wasn't foreseen

Rod, a man of age twenty-three
Had his eye out for sweet Marie
Though he knew she was underage
His desire could not be assuaged

First he plied her with alcohol
To the point she did not care at all
Had his way with her one night
Told her everything would be all right

It may have just been escapist fun
But the outcome had left her stunned
When the baby was on its way
There was nothing that she could say

Speaking quietly to father Rod
Who she worshiped as if a god
"We can't let this news get out"
"Of that, I am sure there's no doubt"

In the darkness of night they fled
Knowing only their fear and dread
Seeking out a quick remedy
Some way to terminate pregnancy

When the sad deed had been performed
"It has ended" they were informed
Gloomily went on their way
"We must never speak of this day"

"Though it may seem treasonous,
No one must ever know of us
We must put between us a wall
No one can suspect at all."

Marie and Rod then parted ways
No one night stand ever raised
Until on that fateful day
Rod's confession on display

Never naming sweet Marie
Rod did admit to the deed
Went to trial and plead his crime
Sentenced, had to do his time

But time brought in Marie's boyfriend
To him her truth she did extend
Away he went in evil rage
For Rod he wanted to engage

The sight of Rod made his blood boil
He drew the gun, felt the recoil
Down went Rod, then turned with dread
The firearm on his own head

The tragedy of sweet Marie
Now on display for all to see
Will haunt her to her dying day
And leave her life a shade of gray


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