It's a Beautiful Day

by @strumandstress

Liner Notes



You’ve done all your packing You’ve left nothing lacking
I’m sad you feel this way It’s a beautiful day

So you’ve been conniving The taxi’s arriving
There’s nothing left to say It’s a beautiful day

We’re going to live apart It’s going to tear my heart
I’ll be alone again And I wish it would rain

Sunshine on the flowers It’s not in my powers
Nothing will make you stay It’s a beautiful day

And now that it’s ended I guess I’m unfriended
Although my life looks grey It’s a beautiful day


wow, i'm digging the contrast between the "beautiful day" and your character's misfortunes. isn't it the way, for the worst situations to unfold on some kind of blue-sky day? i can certainly think of some examples myself.

this is a really moving performance as well. and feels, to me, of a piece with your "Silent Meals and Separate Rooms"?