
by @nahlej381


Liner Notes



I seem to recall I been falling again
Asleep at the wheel like he who wields hammered steel like my sword is pen trapped in tree sap again use the resin like a rosin throwing trash rap in the bin spitting cold nahlej so give em all lozenges in ear shot of this Häagen-Dazs double dip while I stumble trip on my humble drip my AND 1 and George button shirts gun control I prefer to not be shooting the shit let’s all just plead the fifth so I can smoke this spliff in mad silence a little less room mics a little more direct inject or may I interject I suppose I juxtaposed in jest how did I know? well, I didn’t. I guessed I digress and regress shout loudly my varied regrets at marionettes losing checker pieces while they think they playing chess

I can see clearly I live in the past beyond behind my hindsight is 20/20 double night vision in the back of my head I’m trippin
Im forgetting shit you puny humans could never even comprehend like when you can’t find your ass with both hands twiddle my thumbs while I blow this pop stand I can’t stand standing around I’m dead I’m the fuck out or ima duck out for a ciggy a bit of weed with my coffee break play some drums and chops em like they breaks or brake lines cycle my thoughts and rhymes into lines and bars instead of waiting in lines in bars or spending time behind bars
I been slicing cigars and drinking soda outta wine glasses coffee outta mason jars hiding wisdom between the lines in my bars

What’s funky fresh and new
Got a whole list of honey dews
And donts and dos


That’s fine lines bro! Some awesome sounds in here! All round good one this! And congrats Mr Dude on the big 50
This is the stuff. Love how sonically experimental you're being. From the weird wind chimes-like sounds at the start to the awesome chorus mouth percussion 😂 . And then damn it you've got so many good lines packed into a relatively short song. The whole 'bars' riff in the second verse is excellent.