
by @hmstreetteam

Skirmish: WHAT HAPPENED (@corinnecurcio)

Liner Notes

There was yet another news story about a man of dubious moral standing who thought it would be good for his career to pick a fight with a person named Taylor.


I can see you’ve been to the tailor
It’s your way of climbing the ladder
Three months later
And twenty pounds fatter

You’re sure you’re up for the job
Did everything by the book
You spent a fortune not to look like a slob
Instead you’ve got the walking dead look

You were sure you drew first blood
So why are you face down in the mud
It was such a surprise
I think you’ve been taylorized

It’s not easy to be an assassin
You’ve always got something to hide
Blaming the victim becomes a habit
But then time is not on your side

You were sure you drew first blood
But now you’re face down in the mud
It was such a surprise
I think you’ve been taylorized

One day you’re face to face with the law
That’s when you fall

You were sure you drew first blood
But now you’re face down in the mud
It was such a surprise
I think you’ve been taylorized

You were sure you drew first blood
But now you’re face down in the mud
It was such a surprise
I think you’ve been taylorized


Compelling story that leaves something to the imagination, too. Guitar/vocal is what you need to tell a tale like this, and you do it well. I dig it!
I really love the story telling in the lyric and how the story unfolds. There are such great vivid images. I really love the insight in the second verse. Great sound to the chorus.
Great lyric, one of the best of yours that I've seen. Great title - made me wonder what it was about before the song even started. Nice strong vocal delivery as well.
Very clever, witty lyrics, fantastic music, singing and playing. It is so clear that you had fun recording your song and it is so inspiring to listen to your expressive, sincere and musical performance. Love it. I can visualize him. The duet between you and your guitar is gorgeous. You listen to each other, communicating, giving a vivid song which I could listen to for hours. Very enjoyable listen and a fantastic take on the prompt. I can imagine how exciting it would be if you performed your song. I can literary hear the applaudissements of existed audience.
This is so biting lyrically and so good!
Some fantastic lines. Using the term 'Taylorized' was inspired. And I loved these lines 'You spent a fortune not to look like a slob
Instead you’ve got the walking dead look'
This is definitely a keeper
Love using taylorized. Very good skirmish, ENjoyed this ride.
LOVE the lyrics. The music is pretty darn good too! I deem this a very successful skirmish!
Oh yeah! Taylorized! So spot on, and creative. Wonderful performance!