What Happened?

by @matthewsanford

Skirmish: WHAT HAPPENED (@corinnecurcio)
There is no demo for this song.


US was just a colony
Ruled by king n aristocracy
Was to become democracy
So what exactly happened?

We no longer need a king!
Across 1/3 those words would ring
1/3 would still want that thing
So what exactly happened?

They had a war, a big great show,
And old king George they would throw
Him out! And Nobles? Would not go
What exactly happened?

For a time the landlords got the votes,
Nay for commoners renting their abodes,
Money made more
The poor stayed poor
So what happened

Rip Van Winkle,
brushing sleep from his eye,
Returned to the tavern;
His liver’d run dry
Raising his glass
In a grand toast
“Hail King George!”
Is what he spoke

“President George!!!”
Roared the room
Straight on his ass
Van Winkle would zoom

Through revolution and aftermath
The man firmly slept
To find it out now
The man nearly wept

“And that’s exactly what happened…pretty much” - Pinky Dinky Doo


Outstanding historical story telling with a nod to contemporary issues! Great insight and reflection!
Thank you all!
I’ve long felt we shouldn’t have kept the aristocracy, old money decries new money’s innovations, that new money now quite old. I’d read the one who placed the right to property later regretted taking influence there from old English thinkers…if only personal was the word before, alluding that massive control of wealth should not rest with one, but hey, they forgot to ask me. Tsk tsk.
But Rip Van Winkle is a true historical character (in my mind), the greatest way to demonstrate civil disobedience to war! Uh…well, in my mind anyway
I love history so was very interested and enjoyed your lyric. Really like how you injected a fictional character into your historical lesson. Great take on the prompt.
Excellent bit of writing
Does it matter what happens in politics? The poor always stay. Poor. That’s a lot of history, most of which I do not know how, when or what, but the lyric sure makes one wonder.
I love songs that makes me question something, and this one sure has! Good one!
That’s such a good question for a historian, especially one digging through the records to try to explain changes that are devilishly difficult to pin down. Good way of raising the questions without making them too complicated.